2Service is an official Samsung partner and is responsible for the distribution of various parts for white and brown goods through Samsungparts.eu. Our second trademark is Mobileparts.shop, a specialized webshop for the mobile repair professional. In this web shop we offer a wide range of original Samsung parts. Also you can find parts for brands such as Huawei, Sony and LG. Naturally, our web shop also has a complete range of iPhone and iPad models. As an additional service, we also sell a selection of the best repair tools and the most popular accessories.
Only business customers can place an order at Mobileparts.shop. Unfortunately, private customers cannot place an order for smartphone and tablet parts. Do you want to have your smartphone or tablet repaired? Visit a repair shop in the area.
At Mobileparts, we sell original Samsung LCD screens but we also have a wide range of LCDs from well-known brands such as Huawei, LG & Sony, for very reasonable prices. We have also included iPhone and iPad displays in our assortment. We have various qualities of iPhone & iPad screens, which are checked thoroughly for functionality before being included in our assortment.
In addition to LCDs, the most popular smartphone parts include::